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Customize your RedCritter Classroom portal with Add-ins

RedCritter Add-ins are optional plug-in Apps that enhance your RedCritter Classroom school-wide solution. Every Add-in installs with just a click or two and adds powerful, convenient and time-saving features to your school portal. Mix and match Add-ins to create a personalized experience for your teachers, students, parents and administrators.

Random Student Picker

A random student picker. Great for randomly choosing students to answer classroom questions.

Version 1.0

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This Add-in chooses a student at random. The idea is to remove built-in biases when calling on students to answer questions or participate in classroom activities. Randomly selected students won't repeat until every present student in the class has been selected. This Add-on optionally will speak out loud the name of the selected student.

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Recommended for

  • Teachers

Installable locations

  • Students sidebar
PBIS Devices

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RedCritter apps and devices